Physical therapy Connecticut addresses a variety of joints,
tendons and ligament issues. Treatment is carried out using a variety of
traditional and contemporary methods.
Concerning stem cell enhancement therapy, this is a different process than
the “stem cell treatment” not approved by the FDA. Stem cell treatment, which
is a process that involves using almost all stem cells, is not a legal
practice. On the other hand, stem cell enhancement is a process that is not
just pure stem cells, and it typically comes from bone marrow or fat.
This substance being extracted from bone marrow or is not just stem cells.
It also includes blood cells, proteins, enzymes and more. Furthermore, it only
includes material derived from an adult not a child, fetus or embryo.
Therefore, if this is a concern for some people, it can put them at ease come
time to seek treatment.
The stem cell enhancement substance extracted from bone marrow is then
usually cultured in vitro. Usually the supply comes from the back of the hip
bone and subcutaneous fat. After the culturing process, an injection process
guided by ultrasound takes place.
Sometimes, milder cases requiring physical therapy New Haven using stem
cell enhancement require only one treatment. The more severe conditions could
require at least one repeat treatment within one to three years. Two main
purposes of this therapy is to improve mobility and reduce pain when active.