Patients who are suffering from arthritis of the knee, but aren't yet ready for a total knee replacement, can find relief by working closely with a physical therapist. Strengthening the muscles
surrounding the knee, improving range of motion as much as possible, and reducing inflammation within the knee are all goals for a patient in physical therapy New Haven who is trying to wait for a total knee replacement.
Knee injuries are painful, and when a patient has degenerative knee arthritis, waiting for surgery can be difficult. Some doctors will not perform a total knee replacement on patients younger than fifty who are still able to walk, even if there is pain. This is when a good physical therapist comes into play. By working with a physical therapist to improve the function of the knee, a patient
who needs a new knee but is not yet a candidate for surgery can manage their symptoms until surgery is available.
Losing Weight Can Reduce Pain While Waiting for Knee Surgery
The knees are responsible for bearing weight, and the more a patient weighs, the more work the knees have to do. Losing weight isn't going to stop the progression of knee arthritis, but
losing weight can reduce the pain associated with this painful condition. Some patients that lose a large amount of weight are able to enjoy more activities more fully, while warding off knee surgery at the same time.
The reason many physicians will not do a total knee replacement too early is because total knee replacements have a lifespan of up to 20 years. Technology is improving all the time, but surgeons still recommend waiting because second knee replacements often fail. While it is possible to get a second knee replacement, this is not the best case scenario. Patients who are still able to walk
without assistance should consider physical therapy to ease their knee pain as they wait for surgery in the future.
Physical therapy Connecticut uses a combination of gentle stretching techniques, hot and cold therapy, ultrasound and range of motion exercises in order to improve the function of the overall knee joint. While physical therapy isn't going to cure knee arthritis, it will strengthen the knee joint and allow the knee to function as well as it possibly can. Knee arthritis is painful, and physical therapy is one way to reduce this pain naturally.